March 19, 2018

Austria - Report 1st Students' Exchange in Gandìa 2nd - 10th March 2018


Day 1: [Friday]

On Friday we met at 3:30 a.m and we went by bus to Graz Airport. There we checked in, got on our plane and went to Frankfurt Airport. There had a stop over and finally we got our connection to Valencia. When we arrived there we took the subway to get to our hotel. It was a very good one and after bringing the suitcases to the rooms, we went into the city to see the city centre and we also had dinner in a Valencian restaurant.

Day 2: [Saturday]
On Saturday we had breakfast in an little café called “Panaria”. After that we went to the big market hall in valencia. There we saw dead rabbits, cats and other animals. There we bought a “Mango Fanta” and we ate a typical Spanish snack. After this we took the metro to visit the “City of ArtS and Sciences”. This is a vast complex with many modern buildings of a famous Valencian architect. There is also  “Oceanographic” an aquarium and aqua park, which we also visited. We saw sharks, belugas, barracudas and many other sea animals, fish and birds.

Day 3: [Sunday]
On the beach: On day three in Valencia we packed our suitcases, left them at the reception and went off to the beach. Of course Lukas had to swim in the sea but is was very cold. The water temperature was only 13°C. After that we had a snack at the “pans”  which is a fast food restaurant like McDonalds but the food tastes much better.
In the afternoon we went to the city centre to have lunch in a restaurant and while we were eating, the people in Valencia shot firecrackers. At this time of the year, people from Valencia celebrate “Fallas”. This is a time when people get prepared for the “Mascleta”. People from the Valencian area create huge statures made of paper, which they burn on the 19th Marc. The “Fallas” is the time before the “Mascleta” where people shoot firecackers. It was very noisy and Mr. Fiechtl got very scared.
After lunch we went to a Modern Art Museum, where we saw works by Guzman and Miró. In the museum a very funny situation occurred: at the end of one of the galleries was a very dark corridor. Lukas wanted to hide there to scare the teachers off. But as he was hiding, suddenly one meter next to him a woman of the security service switched on a flashlight. Lukas jumped like a scared cat and everybody was laughing at him. Since then everybody said he is scared of the dark. After that we went to our hotel, took our luggage and waited for our bus to Gandìa

Day 1:   Arrival [Sunday]
We went by bus from Valencia to Gandìa, what took us nearly one hour. In the bus we met  our Polish and Danish project partners. When we arrived at the bus terminal in Gandìa, our Spanish families were already waiting for us. Then everybody went home with their family.

Day 2: [Monday]
Icebreaker Activities: In the morning we went to Abad Sola School and we did some “Icebreaker Activities” to get to know all other people. The Spanish students had prepared three games. First we played in three little groups and the final game was for all students together.
Visit of Gandia: After the ice-breaker activities we went into Gandìas city centre. The Spanish teachers showed us the city and after that we had some free time to get something to eat and drink. Then we went back to school and had a “Paella” for lunch. We spent the evening with our hosts. 

Day 3: [Tuesday]
Drama Workshop: On Tuesday we went to the theatre “Teatre del Raval”  in Gandìa. There we had a workshop with a teacher for actors and actresses. She showed us some warm-up activities, actors have to do bevor acting. We also learned 7 levels of acting and in our “final act”, which you can also see in the video, we had to use all our acquired skills.
Fallas Museum: After our “Drama Workshop” we went into a “Fallas Museum” there you saw sculptures which are burned at the final day of the “Mascleta” this is on “Josefitag”. Only the most beautiful sculpture will not be burned and in this museum you are able to vote which one of it this will be.

Day 4: [Wednesday]
On Wednesday we went by bus to Altea, Xàbia and to the “Cabo de san Antonio”. Those are two cities and one cliff at the coast of Spain. In Altea we walked on the beach and took photos. Annika also fell into the water, because she was standing on a slippery stone. In Xàbia we had lunch at the beach and we went shopping next to it. Jonny and Lukas also went into the sea and everybody from Austria bought new sunglasses. Everybody had an ice cream and then we went on the bus. The last stop was at the “Cabo de San Antonio”. That is a great cliff, where we took many photos. From the top there are 100 meters to the water and we were able to see Ibiza.

Day 5: [Thursday]
On Thursday we had a workshop at the “Polytechnical University of Gandia”. There they have a radio and TV-Studio. In the TV studio we also made a News show and Lukas was the presenter. After this workshop we went to the beach, which was very close. There we had lunch at “Burgerking” and  bought some souvenirs for our families.
Day 6: [Friday]
On Friday the major of Gandìa invited us to the town hall. The name of Gandìas major is “Diana Morant Ripoll” and she is very young. After that we sadly had to say goodbye to the Danish team, because they had to leave on Friday. After that the Austrian students went shopping in the town while the Spanish students had class.

Day 7: [Saturday]
On Saturday sadly we also had to leave. Our host families took us to the bus terminal, where we also had arrived. It was a very emotional farewell and nearly everybody had tears in their eyes. Especially the girls were crying a lot. But luckily it wasn’t a “Good Bye” forever!
At the airport we checked in and went through the security check, where a women of the security service frisked Anna’s body and carefully examined her hand luggage. But it was just a random sample control.
After we had passed the customs everybody phoned their family and told them, that they were on the way back to Austria and everybody is well. When we arrived at the bus stop in Judenburg all the families were waiting for us and we greet them with a “Hola!”

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